Monday, March 6, 2017


I have been feeling a bit rough the past week have had to take some time off of work, I have done little else  but poddle around at home, I did manage to get the hound out for a very small walk, sometimes you just cant predict him, he took the lead and we did a bit of zig zag walking, he seems to have an inability to walk in a straight line, he seemed intent on his direction though and it was if he knew the tide was high

Once he had gone in and had a quick paddle play, that was it he had to go home, sadly not the way he came, I have learnt with Max that as a rescue dog you really cant make him do anything he doesn't want to do as his permanent anxiety will just go through the roof, so if he stops you stop and wait, we have just learnt to follow where he wants to go, and go at his pace. Its the first time in a while that I have been able to take him for a walk on my own . 

Time at home has been spent knitting as I really didn't have the energy for much else, I have been working on my socks and my newly cast on shawl

both of which have grown significantly, will update about that in a separate post.I treated myself to a couple of knitting mags, something I have not done in ages, but as I am currently a knitting fiend I thought why not. So pleased I did some great patterns in them that I now want to knit, including the pale green gilet on the front cover of the knitter, the pattern is inclusive of the shawl/scarf neck.

I also needed to get some new stitch markers and progress keeper type things, especially as I am now challenging myself to attempt more complex patterns, they are so cute

a set of sheep and a set of Harry Potter themed ones, they are heavier than I thought so wont be able to use on the lace weight, but ideal for my other projects. She has some great little stitch markers [as well as yarn] in her shop if you want to go take a look, Little french meadow. 

Feeling a bit stir crazy by Saturday hubs took me down to the harbour side for a little walk, and it was a little walk I have to say, we stopped  for a cuppa and I stupidly ate a panini which set my stomach off again, why do I never learn. so it was a quick turn about and back off home,. The weather was amazing, the sky was ominous and it went from bright sun to rain in seconds, then back to sun again, typical of the weather by us at the moment. I managed to grab a few snaps on my phone, no filters other than the 3 black and white ones, which I took in colour then changed. 


Very little has been done house wise, I did mange to go get some food so the teenage locusts will not starve but housework has been off the agenda, I'm still home from work, am hoping I will feel better soon as I only have a few weeks left until I leave and have a caseload of work to complete before I go ! 

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