Sunday, August 4, 2019

Re calibrating.

Yesterday was a non day, after the busyness of life I just feel I need a weekend with nothing on the agenda. I just need to stop and re-calibrate myself !

Yesterday was a peaceful day, hubs and no 1 son were out, just no 2 and I. 
I blogged !, I walked the hound, pottered about, helped no 2 apply for some jobs, hes off to Uni and wants to earn some cash. Hes never had a job before and its harder than you think trying to get a part time job. I cooked dinner then sat with a glass of wine and watched a few episodes of the Gilmore girls. No crafting or reading yesterday.  I even had an early night.

This morning I've been playing catch up with blog reading, I've been printing some sprocket photos for my journal, i'm really behind and I love my journaling, until I catch up I cant journal....My journal is a mish mash of memories, lists and assorted other things.  It really is a great collector of my life over the past year. I think as I am getting older I am becoming more aware of capturing good times with friends and family. a little snapshot of my life. I am enjoying the process and it works as a great gratitude journal. But there are things in my head I want to move forward with and my little journal helps me make sense of it all.  That is this mornings focus!

This afternoon Hubs is going to pick up a new office set up. Downstairs we have 'The Green room', when the boys were younger it was their playroom, but over the years it has morphed into a room with no purpose other than a dumping ground. We dont really need a new office, I currently dont work from home, but I need to give the room a function back. This was a deal  not too miss, great curved desk, 2 pedestals, the chair, a screen and a keyboard, all for £100. I'm quite excited about getting it organised , maybe when its sorted I will find that job that allows me an element of mobile working and get to use it. Its also a bit of forward thinking for when we do put the house on the market.

This is what we are going to pick up, pretty good deal I think.

As for the rest of the day? who knows I may manage to get a bit of spinning or knitting in !

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