Sunday, May 2, 2021

May goals.

It's almost half way through the year and I feel like I've just been treading water.  This 3rd lockdown really hit, much worse than the previous two. It almost felt like I went into hibernation, I've been sat here in my little box room office, communicating by various means ,but not much actual real contact.  Now I feel like movement is needed. I want to start moving forward, doing things, achieving things. 

On my old blog I used to do a monthly goals post. Nothing major just things I wanted to do over the month. Things to keep me motivated and on track. I'm thinking to give it a go again!

So here goes, my monthly goals for May:


Finish reading homesick, almost there and really enjoying it so far. Then my goal is to read 2 books this month. I've really lost my reading mojo recently, normally I would read everyday, at least 2 chapters but I've been spending far too much time on social media, this month I'm going to get that mojo back. 

First up is The secrets of Sunshine,

I'll be honest I probably bought it because the cover is so pretty!

Then I want to read 'All the murmuring bones'

This popped up on my Facebook page and it just appealed to me, had to buy it, now want to read it. 
Neither of the books is particularly big so I should be able to get these 2 done over May.


I've been suffering from Castonitis, and really need to shrink the amount of projects I have on the go.

My first project is 'Passerby'

I couldn't get a good picture that shows the colour so here's one from Woolbaths page , I bought  the yarn from there... its a great shop, please drop by if you are ever in Bath.

Its called ' artisan', its a puce green and I love it. The sweater just needs to be stitched up and then washed and blocked. It knit up really quick, would recommend this pattern. I actually finished this a couple of weeks back and its been sat in the project bag, it will most likely stay there unless I actually finish it....

Then I am still knitting on this

I did actually get down to the cuff on the first sleeve but then realised that I knit the wrong colorwork section so I need to rip back a couple of rows, but I'm almost done with sleeve 1. This has been on the needles for far to long so it needs to get done, its also going to be a great camping sweater for adventures in Stan the van. 

Then the last knitting project for this month that I want to get finished is my beautiful Baable hat. I love everything about this hat, I just hope its going to fit, 

I only have about 6 rows left to do on this so it should be done pretty quickly. Now I only need to stay focussed on these projects and not get waylaid by pretty yarn and new patterns.


I'm really enjoying my spinning at the moment. My goal is to be able to spin a light sock weight yarn, in 3 ply. I'm still away off of that yet and my general result is a 2 ply DK .  Currently on the wheel I have this beauty

Its an old Batt from Spinjones, she doesn't do the colour anymore its been in my stash that long... Its 100g and came in 2x 50g batts so its going to be another 2 ply. I am thinking of getting a weavers knitting loom and using my hand spun up in weaving projects.. not that I need another hobby. 

Then I have just bought 3x 50g batts of this beauty

I've definitely gone to the green side the past month, I even bought 2 new green summer tops for work.
As I have 3 of these batts this is going to be my first attempt at getting a sock weight 3 ply yarn.


This is one area I really need to get back on track with. Old bad habits have crept in during lockdown 3, my daily walks fell by the wayside and far too many treats made their way to my desk. My daily step counts vary from an embarrassing 3k on a bad office day to 13k on a weekend when I am off out for a walk

My goal for this month is to walk daily, to hit a minimum of 5k on a bad office day, those are the days where I am in all day meetings which needs prep before hand and admin after. But then to hit 10k if possible on a normal working day. 

One of the other things I really want to get back into is swimming. Our local pool is now open, I just need to pop by and see how it works, I think you have to book a lane swim, they have fast, medium and slow lanes..

In addition to the above I need to start prepping my daily food as if I was going out to work, that way I should be able to stay on track and actual start to lose the inches again.  I'm not worried about numbers I just want to feel healthier and fit back into all my old clothes.

And that's it, goals for the month, all achievable, nothing too drastic or unrealistic. Lets see how I get on this month.     


  1. I love your knitting projects, the bee jumper and sheep hat are fabulous. I think having goals for the month is a good way to motivate yourself. You can do it and now I'm a follower of your blog I'll be sure to check back :)

    1. I've had a bit of a curve ball but am hopeful I will hit those goals..

  2. Lockdown 3 was so hard! Lockdown 1 was a shock and I think I just went into auto pilot looking after the other 5 in the house and an endless cycle of washing, feeding them etc. But the weather was gorgeous and we walked lots and spent lots of time in the garden. Lockdown 2 was hardly noticeable as schools were still in. Then #3 in the post-Xmas gloom of January with short days and cold weather was just awful. I lost 2.5 stone last year. I put 1.5 back on in lockdown 3! Argh! Back on it now!

    1. I think you are right, the first was glorious weather for getting our daily exercise, but 3, well , gloom and doom..


Hello May.

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