Sunday, October 31, 2021

Goodbye October.

I've been missing in  action for a few weeks, apologies, life just got really busy and work has been full on. I to tend to get more hermit like in the winter months and just didn't really have much to say.

So what have I been up to?

The end of September saw us go to the Theatre for the first time since pre Covid . It was fab, we saw Priscilla and I loved it. 

More travel for work

A wonderful family weekend at Centre Parcs longleat.

A lovely 4 night stay on The Gower , just hubby and I.

Our Cornish friend came for the weekend, we walked her hound, ate good food, drank good wine and d visited a local national trust , Tyntesfield.

Another friend turned 60 and we went to our first dinner party post Covid.. no photos were taken.

In amongst this I have been reading, knitting and generally just taking a breath. I'm looking forward to a slower month, a month to gather my thoughts and prepare to snuggle down for the winter months.


  1. I definitely feel like hibernating once the weather turns cold. Nice that you have had some enjoyable times as well as work and you've shared lovely photos with us.

    1. I really do like hibernating.... it will get worse now the days are shorter!

  2. What a packed month you have had, we are just venturing out for the first time since Covid, I still feel unsure of crowded theatres though we have some booked :)

    1. It was quite scary and I really noticed the noise levels in public places, it all seemed so loud.. but it was lovely to be out again enjoying the things I love.

  3. You've had a busy, but enjoyable, month. It's years since we've been to Centre Parcs. We used to go to Sherwood Forest when the kids were young.

    1. Its such a great place, even though our boys are now adults we all really enjoyed the activities.

  4. You have been busy. Enjoy the quiet of November. X

    1. Its lovely being able to just potter about and I'm enjoying being at home and snuggling in ready for the cold months ahead.


Cruising the Norwegian Fjords.

To celebrate reaching 60 I decided to tick off one of the bucket list holidays. I am very grateful I have a good job which pays well enough ...