Friday, July 10, 2015

Happy Weekend.

Good Morning to you all

Its Friday, even better I have a long weekend to look forward to.
There's not much time in my life at the moment ,work is manic, so I booked leave for today and Monday.

The sun is shining and I have a lunch date with my best pal, I've known here since I was 3.
Were heading down to the seaside for lunch! I am excited. The rest of the weekend consists of a day date with hubs tomorrow,[both boys are out] a day of sewing on Sunday and another lunch date with another friend on Monday, for lunch in the city of Bath!

Because work is very busy I have made a concerted effort to try to take at least 15 minutes a day to stop and just breathe, enjoy my surroundings and be thankful. One of the perks of my job is that I do drive around the city a lot, the next 2 months sees 'Shaun in the city' what better way to have 15 minutes of fun.

This week I have managed to see 5 of the sheep, I only managed to stop and photograph 2 though, city parking is a nightmare.

First up was number 11, Shaun of the jungle

what a cutie, even better when I went to look for him I found out that we have a university botanic garden I never knew existed, a visit planned in the future it looks a fab place, tucked away in a quiet residential area of the city.

Then I manged to stop and enjoy this sweet sheep

no 9, tutti fruitti

How fab is tutti fruitti? I just love him

I have my map of the sheep trail in my bag and every work visit I head out to I check to see if there is a sheep near by! its a great way to break the day and enjoy our city. If there's no sheep nearby I choose a nice spot to park up and enjoy my lunch, its working well, I'm really enjoying my little 15 minutes of freedom in my working day.

Now did I mention sewing on Sunday?

well, what can I say, I was naughty and non frugal, but what the heck, my body's shrinking and I need some new clothes. Over on Facebook someone shared a link of an esty shop with 50% off designer fabrics, would have been rude not to really! I only ever buy the £3.99 cheap fabrics but lust after some of the gorgeous designer fabrics, this one just caught my eye and had to buy 2 meters.

Riley Blake, splendor in green, 
pic and purchase from The Handmade haberdashery over on Etsy.

I love this fabric, just a simple shift dress or tunic, what  great colour blast to brighten my day. Looking forward to making something with this on Sunday.

Now I best get myself in gear and head out to pick up my friend, whatever you are doing I hope you all have a great day.

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