Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Today is the last day of my lovely long weekend, 4 days as added a days leave today.

It's been a reasonably quiet affair, I am not used to staying at home, May half term we usually get away somewhere, but with no 2 being mid exams and having started a new job where I was not allowed to take the whole week off, I have been staycationing.

Friday night was the meal out, Saturday night was meal out at Friends, Sunday was BBQ at home with the father in law down for the afternoon, and yesterday was duly called a PJ day. The weather was wet and miserable so we just stayed put, hubs was at work sadly, yep on a bank holiday.

I must admit I did get a bit of a moany face on yesterday, stir crazy, but not house stir crazy, just needing to get away crazy, but it's only 6 weeks till we go fly a plane for a great escape, so quickly pulled myself together.I am one of those people that need to haven upcoming break away to keep me going..

Sunday Morning saw a bit of sunshine so I took the opportunity to enjoy some garden relaxing, my first lilly has flowered in the pond

that made me very happy. 
I read a bit of my current book

no 2 son bought this for me for my birthday and I am really enjoying it, I have her next book to read so want to try and get this finished. Its a lovely easy read about her daily life and the births of her children, a gentle smile inducing book. One of my goals this year is to try and read all my paperbacks and then recycle them. I have tons on my kindle to read, but there is just something about a real book that I love.

I also managed to finish my Patronus Shawl

absolutely love it despite having made a few mistakes, it needs a good blocking, then I will be waiting for a suitably chilly day to get this beauty out, there is a distinct possibility that I am going to make another in darker colours.

I supervised no 2 baking his favourite cake and have so far remained good and not had a slice

hes actually very good at baking, all done by himself just a  few little reminders from me, he even whisked up the fresh cream himself !

Decided that my little crafting room needed a bit of a sort out, it was that just finished a project need to start another mood!, whilst mooching I found this

totally forgot I made this, it just needs a little popper at the back of the neck and its ready to go, will need to read through old blog to find out what pattern I used but its a longer style tunic, just the thing for my up coming holiday. I really should get the machine out again, I have not sewn anything in months.

Next up was harsh decision time, 2 knitting projects that were not just cutting it for me, frogged them both. First up was this lovely lace weight scarf/shawl

love the yarn but just cant find the right pattern, this is the 3rd project I have cast on with this yarn. I do have a 2nd skein so may just knit 2 strands to get a heavier weight yarn. I feel a bit guilty about this yarn as my lovely friend bought me 2 skeins and I just haven't knit it up yet.

Then I frogged these socks

it seemed such a good idea at the time, knit a long tube, then add the heels in as an afterthought, then cut, yes CUT, the tube in half to then knit the toes. I really enjoyed the simplicity of tube knitting but the rest of it was a right faff. My tension is way to lose, my first attempts at this type of heel was dodgy and even though I measured you can see I cut in the wrong place, and to be honest really didn't fancy finishing them. I am not a convert to this style of sock knitting, more a traditional girl, But I have bought the fishlips heel pattern and will give that a go when I finish the socks currently on the needles.

Then I found the new cast on

Just the thing for dismal bank holidays sunshine in a skein !
the tassels are going to be pink !

Cast that on and yesterday afternoon the boys and I decided we would watch a film, I really wanted to watch Moana but they just would not agree, no idea why, so we compromised and watched sing, I am just a big kid at heart!

Today  is another dismal wet day here, the boys are still sleeping, the hound is not wanting to go out, and I may well just go and knit some more sunshine until there is some life in this house, maybe , just maybe I might fit a walk in..

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