Monday, January 22, 2018


Blimey, I need a weekend off to recover from my weekend !

Saturday saw me try to go greener with my weekly shop. As hubs went to collect my new to me bookcases I headed up to 'the village', not that it a village any more but its been called that ever since it was built, way back when !First stop was the butcher, meat bought for the week. I was surprised how busy it was, queuing up ! The butcher is one of the longest standing shops in the village, Then off to the greengrocer, fruit/veg now replenished for the week. Whilst there I decided to pop into the £1 shop, picked up some bargains for the boys packed lunches, then dropped into the charity shop. Couldn't believe my luck when I found this little beauty for £4.50

A French & Teague- sixteen -47 , tunic.....these normally sell for about £70 and their reductions normally drop them to about £50. I have been after one of these for such a long time, I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a tunic, but £4.50, well it had to be done. There sizes are numbered 1- 5 I think, this is a size 2 so is about 1 size bigger than I would normally buy, buts is a loose drapey top so looks ok. Am really pleased with it.

After my little trip to the village I then headed out to Asda, dry goods and tinned stuff, Junior also needed some more shirts and trousers for school. After Asda I popped into B&Q for paint for the downstairs office and snagged some reduced picture frames for my photo wall.

Feeling shopped out I headed home and entered the' lets move all the furniture about to get the book cases in' scenario ! Then It was 'lets fill' the book cases. Blimey, I slept well on Saturday. 

Sunday was a laundry/ ironing and chill day. The weather has been horrendous all weekend, its not stopped raining. Sadly our guttering just above the front door needs repairing so we had our own version of Niagara falls all weekend. Which made getting in and out quite tricky.  I managed a few rows on my Lundy sweater so hopefully it should be off the needles this week, but other than that no crafting. I did however love getting a bit more of my picture wall done, it brings a smile just looking at it. 

Sunday evening saw us all share dinner together at the table and then watch a movie,[ lord of the rings part 3] it was lovely to finish the weekend with some quality family time. 

This weeks goals are to get the radiator fitted in the down stairs office and get it painted. This room has always been a bit of a random room, it was the boys playroom when they were smaller, then a games room when they got older, now they rarely use it and as I have my own little pink den up stairs it really doesn't see much activity. However it does home my cross trainer, and as I need to start using that , it will be nice to use it in a more roomy sort of room, if that makes sense. 

Another goal for this week is to try to find one of these stores where you can buy your cleaning fluids in refillable bottles, like the Ecover brand. I am pretty sure we will have one somewhere in the city, I just need to locate it. That's stage 2 of reducing our plastic consumption. 

Pretty happy with my weekend, I hope you all had a good weekend too.

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