Saturday, April 21, 2018

Life and health.

Life's ticking over, and I seem to have got into a gentle rhythm. I think this lovely weather is helping my mood. How lovely is it to be able to step outside and spend time in the garden. Sadly happiness has also come from being able to hang washing on the line ! I can't tell you how much I love putting washing on the line. Is that an age thing?

Hubs has been out sorting the garden on his days off, I actually have flowers, flowers that have not been used as a urinal for the hound, or dug up. Our lawn is now looking much improved and the days of it looking like the hounds race track seem to have disappeared. There are no longer craters every where , nor are there scenes of carnage and destruction  left after one of his digging and shredding sessions. Boy do I miss that dog !

The sunny weather has also bought its own problems, namely a summer wardrobe for work. Last weekend I had a wake up call, stepped onto the scales and had to step off and back on gain.Shocked , yes, but in all honesty I knew it was coming. I am the HEAVIEST weight I have ever been.Those that have read my blog for a while will remember me on and off diets, trying to shed the weight, all to no avail. Add to that no hound to walk and a 100 % desk job and  this is where I have ended up, overweight and minus a wearable summer wardrobe !

Enough,aside from looking like the back end of a bus, the red sweaty puffed face is not desirable and I feel darned uncomfortable. So last weekend I had to think long and hard about how to tackle this little problem. Another diet is just not going to work, it never has, just don't stick to them, tell me I cant eat it and I then have to eat it. Sow what to do?. A little change of lifestyle rather than dieting.

Years ago , before number 1 son was born I had been vegetarian for years, my craving whilst expecting him was meat ! seriously I couldn't get enough of it. Almost 20 years down the line I am still eating meat. Picky, but still eating it. Recently I have been thinking about returning to vegetarianism, so rather than think about it, last weekend I went Veggie !

It has been easier than I thought and I have really enjoyed my food. All home cooked, loads of pulses and fresh foods.  I treated my self to a couple of vegan books to get some ideas which have helped immensely. I have stuck to 3 meals per day and tried not to pick. Patting myself on the back I have managed the whole week. I am not craving meat at all.

As I am desk bound at work with a 45 minute drive each way, I have tried to get my self up and out for a 30 minute walk each day, trying to hit that magical 10k steps per day. I am not setting targets, not gearing my self up for failures, just see it as a new way of life.

I have up graded my Fitbit to a Fitbit Alta HR, being grossly overweigh I was getting a tad paranoid about having a heart attack, seriously !. I  went for the blue steel colourway and love it. I love the detail it gives on your sleep patterns and heart rate.I also like that it acts as a watch, I haven't worn a watch for as long as I can remember, but as I am trying to walk in my lunch breaks, I really need to keep an eye on the time.

And that's what I have been doing this week, eating healthy and walking more, and guess what, I lost 4lbs... and half an inch off my waist. I still don't fit into my summer clothes mind, planning a quick trip to Asda this morning after I drop number  1 son to work. Planning on grabbing a few cheap and cheerful cool tops for work. Lets hope the sun continues to shine, shame hubs is working else I might of headed off to the coast.

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