Sunday, January 5, 2020

Hello 2020

It's only now that I finally find time to sit down and blog, well actually write a post. The year end one was already set up and just needed finishing. What I have done is tweaked the blog again. It's not been feeling right for a while and I was almost thinking of giving it up again. But I love blogging so here I am hoping that this year I can get it to feel the way that I want it to be.Still not 100 percent sure what that looks like, but maybe that's because my life isn't feeling quite right, but I haven't worked out what I need to do to rectify that ! Maybe I am just in that midlife phase where the kids are all grown and dont need you as much, they are even thinking of moving out :0(

It hasn't  helped that the end of the year has been a bit chaotic, a friend came to stay, I went back to work on Monday ( all bar New Years day), and we dechristmased the house this weekend.You all know what that means,having to clean up all the mess that the season brings. That escalates into me having to organise everything and get it all put away properly, then I decide I need to do a winter clean and sort, which then leads to my wardrobe and little pink den. ( which may need an overhaul this year, I am so over pink....) 

Don't get me wrong, the end of the year and the beginning of this has been great, full of friends and family, but I am the sort of person that does need a bit of quiet alone time to just do my own thing.I can find socialising overwhelming so need to just shut myself down at times.Another downside of socialising for me is that it puts all my plans behind, I'm a bit of an organisation freak and need my lists done, my journals set up for the year and my work stuff put in order. Its like I cant move on until its all sorted and ready to go.

This year I have made no new years resolutions, I never stick to them and it just puts extra stress on me. Instead I am just going to try to live my best life, try to be the bets me that I can without bowing to what I think others want me to be. Basically I just want to be me, love me and live a life that supports this.How do I do that then eh?

One of the things I have done is to sort ( again) my yarny projects. It feels like I have to get them out of the way now. I need to move on to new things. The group of ladies that I went on the yarn retreat with last year have set up a group chat, so we have stayed in contact which is great. Did I tell you we have arranged another weekend retreat with the same group of women? I am so looking forward to that. Anyway, as part of this chat group we have set up WIPAGHEDDON. We are all going to try and finish as many of our works in progress as we can before we meet up again at the and of April.

Here's my works in progress
In addition to that, I have my metred square blanket, a pair of socks that I couldn't find at the time and another blooming sweater, again I couldn't find it until I sorted out my stash !

In addition I have 1 sewing project to finish and 1 spinning project.

So what did I do? cast on another blooming project instead, see that why I dont set new years resolutions !

Its more of a need than a want so does it count?  The other evening I was waiting for the bus home and it was blooming freezing... so I decided to cast on a hat yesterday

its going  well so far, may even get it cast off tonight !

It is so soft and fluffy, might have to do another in a different shade. Maybe I need to do a finish one cast one on type of thing?

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