Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rain,dogs and forward planning.

This year is whizzing past, its been full on and fast. I hardly seem to have had time to myself, but I'm not complaining I have done so much and have so much to be thankful for. 

Last weekend was my trip away with some work friends and their dogs. An all girls weekend, even the hounds were female !  It was quite strange being with people that you work with, especially as I had to share a room with one of them. But we got on OK and I had a lovely relaxing time. Sadly the weather in Cornwall was Rain, Rain and more rain. 

Luckily the garden was HUGE so we didn't need to go far to get the dogs out, we had 4 with us in total. Sadly not our Frank, hes still dogphobic !

3 of the hounds in their dogrobes !  these were a fab idea, get them in , quick rub down and put their robes on. Gets them dry, stops them getting everything wet and keeps them warm.

We've started using the dog field for Frank, its great that he can run free without his muzzle, hes really not into tennis balls so we now have to keep a stash of sticks at home. We're averaging about 2-3 runs there per week. £5 a go but very worth it. 

30 minutes later.... hes knackered..

He's got another session with our dog behaviourist but I'm pretty sure we are not going to make any huge progress he just doesn't like dogs. We've got a couple of trips coming up so need to start thinking about kennels or borders for him. Generally one of the boys stays at home, but we do do a couple of family visits each year that needs sorting. not really sure what to do on that score.

As the year is drawing to an end I'm already thinking about next year. 2020 was meant to be the year of the big downsize move, but life happens and the planets are not aligned so its very unlikely to happen for at least another few years. So I need to rethink what I want to do. The current job is a short fixed term post and whilst I am really enjoying it I am not sure I want to work full time if they offer to extend my contract. I'm toying with reducing the hours or going self employed ! My contract doesn't end until march so I've got some time to think it over. 

For now, I'm just going to take each day as it comes and enjoy every second. 

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