Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Holibobing, staycation style..

Tuesday already? where does time go when you're having fun?

I so love being at home,I love to be with my boys, I love to potter in my house, I love just being there.

The past 3 days have whooshed by, on Saturday No 1 son was volunteering at the zoo farm, hubs was sorting his dad for a trip out, BIL came up and they took FIL to an afternoon family party, made a nice change for FIL. no 2 son tagged along..I pottered at home as had to go and get no 1 son from work, a nice bit of me time..

BIL came with some freebie eggs from his ducks/chickens! yum..

Saturday night was out for a curry as planned, friend paid for hubs Birthday !! what a treat, many thanks..

Sunday saw a brisk walk down 'The Beach' blowing the cobwebs away..

followed by a lazy afternoon reading whilst the males of the house did their own thing..2 books now read since Friday !!

Monday was school shopping day and hubs b'day..
no 2 son's new school uniform & shoes bought,[budgeted for], the bits that we can buy from the local shops that is, the rest is extortionately priced school logo stuff.. that will have to be bought next payday and he can make do with last years PE kit and blazer till then.. We stopped for lunch and I treated the boys to a big mac and shopped for dad's home from work birthday high tea!!

This is hubs first birthday without his mum, so we bought him a nice frame for our favourite pic of her..this is now on our growing picture wall..Its coming on a treat !

The evening we got a takeaway,[food budget splurge, we can do a  smaller shop this week] saving our pennies for Cornwall next week, choosing to have a meal out down there instead, I have to confess I skipped weigh in last night due to hubs b'day, my scales are saying I stayed the same, indulgent weekend !

All in all a great way to start the holiday..


  1. I love to potter in my house as well :) Sounds like you are having a lovely chilled time :)

  2. Pottering at home is just the best thing! Don't get me wrong I love seeing new places but we always say 'it's nice to go out but even nicer to come home!'. Enjoy the rest of your week x

  3. Sounds like you are having a lovely time at home.I spend most of my days pottering for which I'm very grateful, even if the bank balance isn't!

  4. I know that school uniforms can be prohibitively expensive! back in the dark ages when I was at school, my dad used to have to take out a loan to buy my uniform as it could only be purchased in one shop.

    Hope you have a lovely time in Cornwall.

  5. loved my week at home, now ready for a week away, despite the dismal forecast..luckily my boys aren't fashion conscious and are quite happy to make do and mend!


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