Sunday, August 3, 2014

Garden progress..

I am ashamed to say I have never really been a gardener, never really saw the point of going to all that trouble when you can just pick up a bag of veg at the supermarket...Hubs on the other hand has always loved growing his own, even as a teenager he grew veg..

This year we were lucky to be given a large greenhouse, hubs was in heaven? me? not so..this was before the whole lets start getting frugal and get this mortgage paid off malarkey..Now I am a convert, we have had a glut of lovely lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, peppers, chilli's and even a melon!! there are green beans and marrow growing in the garden, not quite sure what else hubs has planted!! The benefits are I am eating much healthier, the pounds are slowing dropping..and we can have free meals, hubs and I are not vegetarians, but we are quite happy eating meals without brilliant is it to go to your garden pick the veg, cook it, eat it , all free! talk about a light bulb moment... Last night we had  ratatouille and rice, nice, healthy and free! the boys obviously wouldn't eat that!! they had lamb burgers and home made chips..I forgot to take a pick of the meal, but here's how my gardens growing...

Not a bad start..
Here's some hubs picked on Friday..please excuse the cucumber shot!!

The melon was gorgeous, we were not sure how successful it would be, but we have 2 more growing, definitely a must for next year..The cucumbers and tomatoes have been made into a gorgeous cucumber / tomato salad, a little bit of olive oil, lemon juice, basil and salt and pepper..had this for lunch yesterday with some lemon couscous.. yum..I really should start taking pics for the blog...


  1. Wow, this is the best-producing garden I've seen on a blog this year! What size is your greenhouse? I think I would like gardening more if it weren't for that whole "outdoors" bit :)

  2. It's a big 'un. we have a veg patch fenced off at the back of the greenhouse for the root veg and beans. hubs loves it, hes done well for a late start this year. Next year we will be better planned!


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