Saturday, September 13, 2014

A simple day.

A day to do as I please, no stress, no trying to accomplish things I think I should, just going with the flow. I did make a weekend to do list, I always do, just ticking a few things of gives me a sense of achievement.

I started the day with 2 loads of washing on the line, then dropped no 1 son at the zoo-farm for his volunteer shift , scooted back to the post office to post some things, sneaked into the charity shop, which is almost next door and picked up 2 little beauties.

New gravy boat, £1.50

Vintage Tupperware egg separator, at least that's what I think it is ! , £1.50

these caught my eye, 50p each, lets hope they inspire me to read them!

Then it was off to Aldi to do a big food shop, some basics needed stocking up, frugal shopping meant lots of staple's were running short, spent a whopping £94.67 but that was a weeks food for planned menu, plus all sorts of staples. 

Home to unpack and decided to rejig the cupboards, we have a huge badly planned kitchen, and little dry food storage, [currently saving for a big larder cupboard], strangely, now I am budgeting and menu planning I am building up some food stock, all good , never know when you may need to fall back on basic rations !

That is the sum total of my food cupboards ! there is junk food, I have teenage boys! we have a large freezer which is also full, I plan to buy a few little extras each week to continue to build up my store cupboard supplies, but I have only so much space!

In between we took Max over to see the dogs flyball competition, he wasn't interested! despite dogs and tennis balls, hes a strange dog!

Back to it, and hubs decided we need to do something with the fresh veg from the garden..

Lots of fresh produce and all free!everything bar the blackberries are from out garden!

Hubs decided to make...…

2 jars of sun dried tomatoes !

the apples and blackberries are ear marked for a crumble tomorrow, the melon is in the fridge as snacks, more peppers and tomatoes are going to be made into a puff pastry pizza later ! yum.. Green beans will be for tomorrow, and then probably a batch of soup for this weeks work lunches, dont you just love free healthy stuff!

Catching a quick half hour blogging before I head out to pick up no 1 son, then a nice family evening with a little bit of a crochet cushion to finish later. I shall leave you with 2 more pics from my garden, I'm starting to get green fingers you know!

olives on my olive tree!!

and some late blooms, my favorite flowers!


  1. Your garden produce looks amazing. We have no garden to speak of so can only grow a few things in tubs. You have done really well x

  2. thanks, we have an average size garden for a city 1930's house, half is dedicated to growing and we have a massive cooking apple tree and pear tree, as well as my olive! all hard work was done by hubs!

  3. Great garden results and I love that gravy boat!

  4. I hope to be getting such a harvest from my garden next year. I will be planting fruit trees but it will be a couple of years before I see anything on them.

    1. the apple is very old its on the boundary line so we share it, the pear we planted about 5 years ago, does very well, the olive always fruits but you can never eat!

  5. Great harvest, you have far more of a variety than we achieved this year. Did you slow dry tomatoes in oven? They were selling an electrical dryer cheap at Lakeland but it had some awful reviews so it didn't even seem worth the lower price.

    1. yes, hubs found the recipe on the internet, they tasted good just coming out of the oven! does take a while though!

  6. My Nan used to have the same gravy boat and the whole matching dinner service, I won't tell you how many years ago that was though lol x

    1. I can remember my nan having them, I love the old pyrex stuff, I can feel a collection coming on, I was very offended when hubby actually wanted to use it!


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