Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another one bites the dust !

There just isn't enough weekend in the weekend! Blink and its gone !

Today was another lets go with the flow day, we all just got on with our own agenda's, I  started off with a plan to get the ironing done first thing, then tick a few more things off my to do list, but as with all good plans, mine never go as expected, ironing's first job is to get the hangers from the wardrobes, [I iron and hang straight away, ironing in the bedroom !] Hmm, opened the door to mine and, whoosh, plan gone..

Back in July I had a good old sort out, well 2 months later and nothing has gone from drawer to hanger, time for another sort out. 2 hour's later and there's another 3 big bin bags for the charity store, then I hit the drawers that hold all-sorts, that's another 2 bags set for the tip! I was harsh..seems like this weekend I needed a good old sort out ,it does feel good !

I managed to get the ironing done, plus another 2 loads washed dried ironed and put away, bliss. I do love a clean slate for a Monday !

FIL came for dinner, cooked and cleared up by hubs, [hes a keeper ], when he left it was Monday prep, and chasing boys to complete homework.then a glass of vino and collapse in a chair to grab my hook

only 1 colour repeat left and its done, its gorgeous, I so like this project, there will definitely be a number 2, his 7 hers cushions for the bed to go with my granny stripe blanket.

So this weekend was a home one, we all poddled about doing what we wanted, next weekend is going to be a sad one, we are set to scatter MIL's ashes, I think we all needed to just do what we needed this weekend.


  1. I love the blanket, beautiful colours. Well done on getting the ironing done, there's a load here while your in the mood :)

  2. Your blanket is beautiful. I very rarely iron - I do rather a lot of smoothing!


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