Sunday, September 7, 2014

Happy weekend..

Phew what a weekend. I have loved it..

It all began Friday evening, it was so lovely, hubs and I decided to take the woof down to the beach, what bliss, it was a gorgeous evening,

As its just across the water from Wales we got there just as the NATO lot must have been heading home, there were 8 different sorts of military planes coming across the water, far to quick for me to catch a good shot though

And then it was Saturday, No 2 sons birthday, a quick dash to Aldi to do the weekly food shop and buy birthday goodies.. then it was play time..

A little bit of bowling

shooting some hoops

slamming some air hockey!

and playing some more machines before we headed home for food,a movie and his friend sleeping over.He had a great time, so much so he forgot his cake, think they had eaten far too much! so that was saved for today.

Then this morning, more sun ! so hubs and I headed out again with woof, back to the beach, its a little bit of 'us' time.

The woof had a great time and as the 'tide' was out he decided to give us a run for our money and went mud sliding shortly after I managed to get this shot, bugger, he was covered ! and strangely for a dog he doesn't clean himself up, more than happy to lick us, but not his own body! and hes not good at us trying to do it for him !  hey ho, story of my house, dog friendly!

In between I have managed to do some crafting ! yeah for me..heres a quick update

Lazy weekend sweater almost ready to do the bottom hem and bind off

First stripy sock almost to the toe.

and finally my favourite current my project

And now its Sunday afternoon, hubs and no 1 have gone to rugby, no 2 is in his room and I'm about to head up to do some ironing ! but I do declare this weekend well and truly claimed !


  1. Sounds like you've had a good one. We've done very little - hubby is full of a cold, and a 3.30am phone call on Saturday, followed by getting dressed and a very brisk walk in the deserted streets has put me off kilter for the whole weekend! Next Saturday we'll be in Cheshire for hubby's endurance event. It's going to be a family day out. Our SIL is also taking part, so elder daughter will be there, and younger daughter and her boyfriend too as he's coming up from London. I can't wait!

    1. hope you're both feeling better and have had a good weekend! will check your blog for the mudders!

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend, great photos, and lovely projects :)

  3. Hello. I've just found your blog, love the colours of your crafty things

    1. hello, and thank you. as I get older I seem to be drawn to colour!


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