Saturday, September 20, 2014


Been a bit quiet as feeling decidedly yukky, a touch of the lurgy I think, sore tickly throat, coughing, headache and achy bones.. Autumn must be on its way.

Hubby picked the last few remaining sunflowers from the garden to cheer me. I'm planning a quiet weekend wrapped up and snuggled on the sofa, shame its not cold enough for a real fire yet !


  1. That lurgy is everywhere! Hope you feel better soon. x

    1. no time to be ill, 1 day is all i can squeeze in!

  2. Hi, I just found your blog this week and am enjoying reading through the blog archive. We used to live in Bristol so recognise some of your pictures. Also have a teen son so it's lovely reading about your family life. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Get well soon. I've just about got rid of my lurgy after 10 days.

    1. thanks, just a busy time of year, never normally ill :(


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