Sunday, October 26, 2014

4 day weekend!

Whoop Whoop, I have a whole 4 days off. A nice long leisurely weekend to be had..

Yesterday was busy, straight out to do weekly food shop, I was tempted to hit Asda but knew I would spend a fortune if I did, no will power and far too much to chose from, so it was back to good old Aldi again. stocked up now for the week, costly as the boys will be home, lets just say the fridge door will be open far more this week!

A quick coffee and straight back out, no 2 son and his friend have taken up a new sport

This week was my turn to take and stay, they have to have an adult present even though they are almost 6 foot! Its a community sport session and is only £2, they are coached by professionals and its great. I did think as I was sat there watching, that I really should do it too, there were adults taking part, mixed group from about 6 yrs up! very well organised this week. Junior loves it.

Back home for a quick coffee then straight out to pick up no 1 son from his volunteering day at the zoo farm, when we got home I didn't give the boys a chance to say no and rounded them both up to come for a dog walk with me,

This is called' I have both balls in my mouth, now chase me' max loves it when he has both boys chasing him, I love it because the boys are active!

Then it was home to wait for hubs to come back from Rugby [ watching not playing] to enjoy a hearty stew which had been in the slow cooker all day, a glass of vino and yet another early night, no wonder I was up at silly o'clock this morning.

Today shall be spent in a leisurely manner, there may be a little knitting taking place!


  1. I so remember all the running around taking and picking up my sons from various locations! I hope you have a lovely chilled weekend, feet up knitting sounds good :)


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