Monday, October 27, 2014

Busy doing nothing.

Busy doing nothing, fabulous!

Hubs on earlies, didn't even hear him get up, had a lazy lie in till 8am, bliss.

I dropped my car off at garage to sort out the headlights,came home and pottered around cleaning and surfing the net  until I went back to pick it up at lunch time, I now have headlights!!! sadly very excited about this. I had to turn them on and off a few times just for fun.

Checked out my FB page this afternoon and spotted a link an open university short course, it caught my eye so I clicked, well 2 hrs later I came up for air.

photo from future learn.

I've signed up and started a short 8 week course entitled, ' start writing fiction' and its FREE!

Really didn't see this happening. I have always loved to read and often thought about writing, dreams of writing a book have crossed my mind many a time. Started a few, wrote a couple of poems along the way, but honestly never thought anything of it. Usually run out of steam after 2 pages of writing.

Its a 3 hr pr week course, can jiggle that in to my schedule, some much needed 'me' time. I have to say when I started I didn't want to stop, loved it. I don't pretend to be good, in fact I'm pretty rubbish, but I am hoping this course will give me some guidance and if I can get a short story out of it I will be more than happy. Its purely for pleasure and to keep the old brain cells ticking.

Hubs came home from work at 2.30pm so we ended up having an early dinner this evening, no 2 son went out and didn't get home til 10.15pm, dirty stop out! No 1 son has been doing his own thing and I have been knitting and watching TV.

Watched Alex Polizzi's Secret Italy programme, wow, I would so love to go to Italy,We had planned to go to Rome for my 50th but it was out of our budget range, I still dream of it though. one day.....

That was followed up by Sarah Beenys ' how to sell your house' got us talking about our planned move, It seems a while off, well 4 years or so to be exact, but we need to really start thinking about it. There are jobs to finish on the house, after the builders did a runner with our money and left us with a half finished extension.We have completed jobs as we have had cash but there are still a few to go, 3 rooms don't have heating for example..and we need to get the extension signed off properly. Interestingly I learned that you can sell your house online now, missing out the traditional estate agents, I am so far behind the times. 

So today has been a day of nothing, good nothing, but nothing, tomorrow will be a day of doing, out and about, fresh air, that's if I can manage to get the boys out of their pyjama's


  1. You will enjoy the course I'm sure, well done for signing up. Many, many years ago I attended a creative writing course in adult education. I didn't learn much - other than how not to write - but that is important. What was amazing was all the fantastic people I met - what life stories they told!

  2. I'm loving it, so enjoying learning how people write and really enjoying seeing the quality of some of their work.


Hello May.

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