Friday, December 12, 2014

Hello weekend...

These weeks really are becoming a blur. I would so like a peaceful week. Roll on the 24th, the first day of my time off!!So what else has been happening in my crazy life? ah, crazy dog.. A lovely behaviourist came to meet Mad Max

He was very well behaved ! Typical......

Unfortunately half way through she had a call to say her 12 week old baby was en-route to hospital in an ambulance, session was cut short! she will be back on Sunday to finish off, I did say she could wait till the new year when her little one is better.

The session was really interesting, asking lots of questions and putting them in context of why he does what he does, hes a rescue so has issues! What she said made total sense, I can see that some of things that we do, like hubby working shifts, walk times being unpredictable, lots of ins and outs make an anxious Max, it was like a light bulb moment, so explains his manic behaviour when hubs is home in an evening, hes just getting used to him being out and bam, hes back in on the evenings again, poor old max cant cope!

I totally felt at ease with her, unlike the last few people we have seen, and max seemed to love her too.I'm really interested to see what her plan is for us, I can almost feel a change in the air at home, excited..

She did get to witness the mad, you cant leave me,performance when she tried to leave! bless him.

The week at work has been busy I have worked my little handmade socks off, I have been very productive.. I am determined to hit the holidays and my time off with no outstanding reports to write. As a reward I bought a Christmas treat..

I have always had a radio times, its a sure sign that Christmas is coming.. sad but I love to have a look and plan our family viewing, Christmas day the boys like to stay in their PJ's,eat junk and relax, I have a strong suspicion they will not want to come for the boxing day walk this year!

Then an unexpected surprise dropped through the mail box

I am saving this for weekend reading and dreaming..

Feeling in an upbeat mood I thought Id splash out on a 2015 calendar

A pound store special, does the trick and I like the pictures. I am sadly looking forward to starting to write on it, In fact I am excited to welcome 2015, 2014 has been a turning point for us and I have a feeling in 2015 things are on the up.

This week I also managed to finish my hitch hiker scarf, I LOVE IT... seperate post to follow.

So home from work this evening, Christmas lights on, steaming mug of coffee in the hand, curled on the sofa, boys and hubs out visiting granddad, just about to start reading my radio times and the door bell rings, what the? no one ever calls unexpected here. Opened the door to find poor old gent from next door, he'd locked himself out, he very much keeps himself to himself, we nod hello, and always keep a watch on his curtains to make sure hes up and about every day! Invited him in, asked if anyone had a key, his sister who lives miles away.., called him a locksmith and said he could stay till they arrived, he looked very uncomfortable, especially with mad max dancing all around him, he refused a drink, but made small chat, the first time in 13 years we have had a conversation, I said that he could leave a key with us if he wanted too, not sure he will take us up on that, but hes now safe and back in his house, bless.

So I am now about to go get another coffee and try to read my radio times, a little bit of RnR before the boys arrive..

Happy weekend everyone.

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