Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What I'm reading in June.

I am surprised at the amount of books I'm getting through this year, I certainly don't need a challenge!
Rather than just listing them I thought I'd blog about them too, I'm no critic and tend to read 'chic lit' but why not? I enjoy looking at what others read and sometimes find something I would never have read.

On the bedside table this month are

This caught my eye when in Edinburgh so bought it, a holiday treat ! looks like something I would like. Its about a nurse who works in a hospice and writes letters for her patients,  maybe a tear jerker here.

Then on my ' new to me' Kindle

This was one of the books I bought for holiday but didn't start, its a new series of chic lit, what a surprise. I just cant keep away from chic lit! Typical story, woman goes home to take over family cafe, you obviously know how the stories going to go, but hey I love to day dream !

If I manage to read these I will be shelf busting with one of the paperbacks that have lived on the shelf for years. I am determined to clear the darned shelf.

Now lets go back to the 'new to me kindle' shall we. Previously I had a kindle app on my phone, but deteriorating eye sight, and a wrist with a tendency for aching it was getting problematic holding the damn phone and reading the screen. I had decided that this coming Christmas I would ask Santa for a 'real' kindle. Well low and behold my dreams came true sooner than that. No 2 son had a kindle the year before last, the fascination has now worm off and he uses his smart phone all the time. 

No 2 son decided to sell it, and put the money towards the last part he needs for his computer build , he looked on the usual sites where he could sell it and checked with me if it was ok, [I do like that my boys always look for a way to finance what they need rather than expect the money to appear] we had a chat, I made sure he wouldn't regret it and agreed, then got to thinking, why don't I buy it from him? saves me money or rather Santa and he will get a little bit more than  he would get if he sold it.

We struck a deal and the deed was done, I now own a Kindle fire !
both parties happy, it was a joy reading it on the back from Edinburgh.

It even came with its own leather case. 

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