Saturday, February 4, 2017


Hello to  February, my Birthday month.

I have grand plans for February, which includes taking some annual leave in my notice period, I have worked 1 week, so have another 7 to go, its going to be a long slog. I can understand the whole you have to give 8 weeks notice thing, they have to recruit another nurse and get them trained up , but boy am I struggling. My Brain is already looking towards the new job. Its going to be challenging and probably stressful, but I hope will be much more rewarding than the job I do now. 

We are heading off to Lundy for a lovely long weekend to celebrate my birthday, Cornish friend is coming with us, no boat ride over this time, thankfully, the last trip I was sick the entire journey over, was a bit rough to say the least!, as its winter season we are going over by HELICOPTER , excited is an understatement, I really don't like heights but hope that being sat inside a helicopter I will manage, its only a 6 minute ride so worse case scenario I have to keep my eyes closed!. But boy am I in need of a break, the joy of Lundy is that its a total switch off, no Internet, no wifi, generally no phone signal, and no TV... we read we walk, we talk we play board games, do jigsaw puzzles and sleep well at night. In addition to staying in a fab place , can you believe there's going to be a lunar eclipse and a comet on my birthday !

Then I have another weekend away in February, can you believe it? one of my dear friends and god mother to no 2 son, is taking no 2 and I off to Nottingham for a weekend trip. Its no 2's late 16th birthday treat, her hubs is a big warhammer fan and a great painter of the teeny figures, a shared interest with no 2, so while friend and I have some girly time, they get to go to WARHAMMER WORLD! not my cup of tea, but no 2 loves it, what a great gift.

Then I have a dinner date with one of my other close friends, they are coming over to us and we are headed out for an Indian feast at a local restaurant, fabulous! and then the other remaining close friend, [I have 4 ] and I will be doing a cinema trip!!

February it would seem is the month of friendship! anyone who read my old blog may remember my post about friendships and the difficulty in keeping them alongside making new ones when you get older. these 4 ladies are the ones that I call my real close friends, the ones I have shared ups and downs with, people I have shared sadness and happiness with, the ones who really don't give a damn what state your house is in, what you look like or anything else, there just great friends. I love them all.

So here's to my lovely February, lets hope the sun shines at least for a little bit this month!

1975 !

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