Monday, July 7, 2014


Wow I forgot how manic my new/old job could be, I certainly feel like I have done a days work...
The day started off well, breakfast with Junior then I took him and his friend to school, lovely. Went straight to the park and ride and hopped on the bus.I resisted the urge to read or play with the phone, just enjoyed being still. The bus was relatively quiet, just a few pick ups along the way,but a peaceful journey.

I made the mistake of staying on the bus instead of getting off with everyone else before the bus did a loop of the centre, that added 20 minutes to my journey, enjoyed it today as was in no hurry, tomorrow I need to be in on time so I need to get off with everyone else and walk the short distance across the centre to work ! may help with the weight loss, extra walking!

Work was spent getting my systems set up and making sure I had all the right access, then spent the remainder of the day booking my appointments, we get a case load ! The day went really fast no clock watching in this job!

And then it was 5pm, time to go home!! off to the bus stop, and a half hour wait for a bus, boy was this a different journey... crammed... tin of sardine style...

Luckily I was one of the first on so managed to get a spot right at the back, was due to be last off... I am so glad I wont be doing this daily, still easier than trying to drive in and out, and much cheaper !The journey took slightly longer but again, just sat there and let my thoughts drift..

I have to say I do feel like I have done a days work, I feel much better being busier, and the day does not drag, it was pretty full on desk duty today though. I cant wait to get out next week, office bound this week for induction ! I did have a moment wondering if I had made the right decision, I do miss the contact and activities of my last job, only time will tell, I just remind myself why I did the change, breakfast with junior was one of the reasons, and he went to school a much happier boy!

And then this evening I actually knitted, yep, knitted, and a real project, a sweater! my knitting mojo had long gone but it seems to have found its way home...

I have had this yarn over a year, its been knitted, frogged, knitted again, but this project feels so right, its more a beige than a grey , and is aptly named.....Lazy weekend sweater......the finished article should look something like this....

Photo from Nikol's ravelry page

This is a fab pattern, its reversible, unfortunately I cant do the garter stitch look, preferring the stocking stitch effect, this is knitted in the round so you can wear it which ever way you want, and no seams !! Its a great easy knit pattern and well recommended, I have made 1 before !

And now its off to bed, I feel a good nights sleep coming on..xx

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