Thursday, November 20, 2014

Christmas planning.

I just love the Christmas season, roaring log fires, sparkling lights and chestnuts roasting on the open fire! Want I don't like is the preparation, stress and constant big sell.

Well this year I have surpassed myself, the boys gift shopping is complete! yep, all bought, paid in cash and no overspending here.No worry, no credit bills and Decembers salaries will remain intact!

Each Year I give the boys a budget for their gift list, I'm not a bah humbug but they have to be realistic if they want to eat in January! It also means that they think seriously about what they want. If they have been really good Santa may bring them a surprise! Gone are the days when I would buy lots of crap that ended up unpacked for months on top of their wardrobes.

Gifts for others have been reduced, only buying for those that matter, and a minimum budget allocated, I breathed a sigh of relief when our good friend in Cornwall, with whom we shall be spending new year, suggested that we just stick to a £10 limit, mind you I am finding it really hard to find something for her..

Food shopping is not going overboard, we only buy the extras that we don't normally have, chestnuts to go with the sprouts, that sort of thing, but it will be a normal shop. Each week I have been buying 1-2 items, serviettes, Christmas crackers for the table etc, so come December there will be hardly anything to buy. Cards were bought in last years January sales.

The only splurge will be a decent piece of meat, this year hubs has chosen a Waitrose turkey with figgy pudding stuffing, a real treat. Some may say a tad expensive but its only once a year and as we have managed our food budget so the money is there.

I have to say despite the sad memories that this time of year brings I am really looking forward to time spent with family and friends and chuffed that we have kept it all within budget.This is the first Christmas ever that this has happened! I must be doing something right after all.


  1. Think my first comment has gone missing!! We too set a budget for our son's Christmas. Sometimes he saves up for months and adds his savings to our budget if he wants a bigger present.

    1. junior has a project he wants to do, we are buying some of the items and he has decided to save for the rest, good learning there I think!

  2. Being part of frugal blogland must be good for keeping the budget under control. not sure about the figgy pud stuffing, sound very strange!

    1. it does sound strange but hubs assures me it will taste loveley. will post when we have eaten it.

  3. Well done you!
    I bought a couple of things last night ( 2 books my younger daughter asked for) and got my SIL's birthday present today ( his b/day is 9th December). That's just about it as the rest will be handmade gifts, and food spending never costs more than £10 extra to the norm.

    1. i love it when a plan comes into action especially when it comes in on budget.

  4. I'm so sorry this is a sad time for you. I miss my parents the most at Christmas too. Well done on the preparations! I have finished my gift shopping too and all within budget, I'm still making a few stocking fillers. The turkey is paid for so that just leaves a few extras for which I have cash put aside for during the final week. I have never been so organised either :)

    1. well done you , its a great feeling to have it all done and dusted before December.

  5. My Christmas spending is planned throughout the year, I do not buy a huge amount of anything as there is only 3 of us. The grandchildren get new clothes twice a year and a small gift to open on the day. Even Junior at 4 loves this and looks forward to a shopping day out to find his clothes for the next 6 months. I will be buying a Goose crown from Lidl at a very good price, a perfect size for 3 dinners and left overs.

    1. sounds like a great plan, maybe i will try that next year. x


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