Thursday, November 27, 2014

Stash Busting.

With chilly days now becoming more regular I felt in need of some neck-wear. I have a huge stash of sock yarn in glorious colours, shame to waste some of it on socks that will never be seen.

So after a quick rummage in my drawers, I found the perfect beauty. This gorgeous yarn is from The Knitting Goddess, I've had it a while and bought it from a fellow knitter who was selling her stash for charity. Its the Sparklynne 4ply in Cut throat colourway.

I decided upon a simple pattern to show the yarn off, its so fab it doesn't need fancy stitches, just plain old garter stitch, can you see the sparkle? yum..

This really is a simple pattern, it you can do a basic knit stitch then you can make this, totally easy TV pattern. Its coming up a treat. Its an 8 row pattern and you just keep on repeating, simples !

Here's the finished example, photo's from Martina's website,

Its the ideal quick pattern for last minute gift knitting to, I may just make another after!


  1. What a gorgeous scarf and a beautiful pink colour. I would love to make one. Must try to locate a pattern x

    1. the link should be under the picture, its such an easy knit.

  2. That is a lovely scarf! Nooo I mustn't put anything else on my craft project list!


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