Saturday, December 13, 2014


Yes you heard me right. Today was spent cleaning, I don't mean a bit of spit and polish I mean full on get the bleach out cleaning.


It started upstairs and then just took a hold of me, The blinds in our room need to be replaced, they are knackered.I decided to get rid of the 2 side blinds, its a bay window, and just leave the main one up until we get the new ones.Blooming heck, where does the dirt come from, embarrassed was not the word. Its a good job I don't entertain people up there. I dread to think what the window cleaner thought! 

Well that was it then, I was on a mission. I have not stopped. The house smells of bleach, its a spray cleaner that has bleach in,not pure bleach, but its not Eco friendly at all. Have you seen obsessive compulsive cleaners on TV, well that was me today.

There is something cleansing about cleaning, I don't mean the physical act, I mean the effect on your inner being. There is a sense of satisfaction there, clearing away the debris, uncluttering, getting rid of the dirt, mindfulness, it feels good.  

Whilst I love the whole Christmas decoration thing, the associated mess that goes with it does my head in! I think at last all the blooming lights are now up, so I can get the boxes put away till the new year. I did feel sorry for hubs, no 1 son wanted the rope light up along the gutter, they checked it was working, spent ages outside putting it up, and hey presto, the blooming thing doesn't work now! I don't think hubs had the heart to take it down again, it will stay till the new year then disposed of, hopefully not to be replaced!

But today I feel I have reclaimed my home, got rid of all the boxes and clutter which preparing for Christmas creates, cleared a path , got things in order, my  house smells cleansed and I feel satisfied. 

Another large bag of 'stuff' headed to the charity shop, it included 2 gifts no 2 son had last Christmas which he never opened! They were stocking gifts but none the less, a complete waste of money, at least another child will benefit at Christmas. Note to self, don't buy for the sake of it. Lesson learned 2014 !

Today was about cleaning, I needed to clean.


  1. I am so like that, once the mood takes me I go through the house like a cyclone. The main difference is that I use a white vinegar spray, I soak orange and lemon pel in white vinegar for a couple of weeks, then strain and dilute half and half with water, adjust a few drops of washing up liquid and put into a spray bottle. I use it on all hard surfaces except wood, even mirrors and windows. You can not smell the vinegar but the whole house smells like a fruit bowl.

  2. There's a real sense of achievement in a good sort out and clean. I have one pencilled in my diary for next week... before my mother in law arrives for Christmas!! Jx


Hello May.

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