Saturday, December 20, 2014


Yet another week has disappeared, nothing much has happened, just manic busy trying desperately to get my workload and reports cleared before I go on leave at 5pm on Tuesday...just 2 more days of work and I can relax. I've pretty much cleared it and completed my January work plan! go me..Which means I can then relax and forget work until the 5th of January.

Christmas is done and dusted, I even managed to write and post my cards this week.All we need to do is buy the meat and fresh veg, leaving that one to hubs! now to find some Christmas spirit still feeling a bit bah humbug. Pleased to say Decembers money will not be used for Christmas spending, all in on budget, how fab is that!

Max has been totally chilled this week, I am pretty sure the adaptil plug in is working, we still have the whole door/window business going on, but generally hes settling and is loving the raw food diet, strangely hes not liking the raw duck necks, mind you they do look a bit yukky! will try cooking them for him or give them away.

Craft wise I have been knitting on the never ending scarf, easy TV knitting, but why oh why did I decide to knit a scarf in silk laceweight. I may get it finished for next winter!

Desperately trying to work through my projects before I get startitis again, I can feel myself itching for a new project on the needles..I will resist..

Now I'm off to do some housework before they all wake up,typically on a day off where I could lie in I was awake at 3.30am.. gave up at 4.30 and got up!

 no 1 son is at his volunteer job at the zoo farm today, no 2 son has archery, hubs is going xmas shopping! I shall be doing the running about but am hoping for a sneaky 5 mins to get the last of the wrapping done, then tonight I may just suggest we go down to the German market in the Centre, there may be some festive spirit there!


  1. Hope Christmas spirit arrives for you soon, have a good taxi driving day!

  2. Lovely yarn but I can see it would take a while! I get startitis with books!

    1. dont talk to me about books!! I have a huge to read pile as well..

  3. I suffer from startitis as well, just can't resist the urge which is why my craft room is full of UFOs :)

  4. My dogs are on a raw meat diet since April 2014. I've tried many things. I bought ten bunnies, but they hated it, and didn't eat it, so I cooked them, and picked off the meat (no cooked bones EVER, they are dangerous). They inhaled the cooked bunny meat in seconds. Now they get Turkey necks, and lamb necks, and frozen ground chicken cubes without bones mostly, with offal bits a few days a week. Also hard boiled eggs for two of them. The third turns his nose on eggs in any form. I also give them a table spoon of organic virgin coconut oil each morning. It helped our Maggie so much, that she's now off her meds since July. No more tummy trouble for her. Even though it's more expensive then kibble, their health is worth it the extra cost.
    I wish it would be easier to get whole or halved knuckle bones easier around here. When I get them, they work on them for hours, and are very tired after that.

    1. oh, nebver thought about hard bolied eggs, he generally eats most things.. trying him with a raw marrow bone today.

  5. I love that term 'startisis' I'm a fellow sufferer! Am here via Pam's blog. :-) Merry Christmas!


Hello May.

I am hoping it will be a quieter month for me. I do love my holidays but I also like some quiet time.We have nothing planned for May other t...