Saturday, September 18, 2021

Clearing my space.

No adventures in Stan the van  this weekend, instead I am weekending at home. As we've been away quite a lot I don't feel guilty about not ' doing' anything this weekend. Hubby and the boys went off to watch Rugby last night so my weekend began in peace and quiet when I finished work.

 I have been hankering after a good old sort out in my combined office/ crafting  space for a while as it was starting to get messy. well actually it was starting to pile up behind me as I worked. Mainly knitting project bags! Once things start to get messy so does my brain.

So this morning I pulled it all out, dumped it in the bedroom , took the massive computer riser off of the desk as it was taking up far too much space, weirdly since I bought it I have not needed to use it to stand and work,  Then I went through everything. 

I already had the boxes but it was good to rummage through and remember what I had. There really is a lot to work through, in all honestly I don't need to buy any crafting supplies for quite a while. Maybe over winter I can start to use some of it up. I squeezed in a couple of projects I am not working on yet, Whilst rummaging I also found my lost backpack, inadvertently packed away with project bags !

I also decided to clear the bottom book shelf so I could pop my sewing machine up off of the floor, I jigged a few more things around  to try and clear the floor space. Its a small box room upstairs so really isn't very big. One black bag of rubbish and 2 carrier bags of books later I was done. All that was left was to pop it back in.

The little basket on the floor is all my small projects I want to finish, 2 pairs of socks, my hat and a shawl I started on our week away in July. All those container boxes contain yarn or fabric or fibre to spin. The wooden box on top contains big projects I want to finish, my sweater and a poncho, and also a crochet blanket. I will continue to restrain myself and not cast on anything else or buy yarn !
I keep a little toiletry basket in their as when hubby is on lates I tend to use this as my dressing room  so I don't disturb him when I get up.

The space feels so much better now I have sorted it out. Now I will be able to sit and work without a huge pile of stuff behind me...


  1. Great minds think alike. I've been having a good old sort out too and taken three bag fulls of books to the charity shop and done lots pf paper shredding. It feels good to be organised. Your stacked boxes look very neat and tidy and it's always good to find things that have been mislaid.

    1. I really do enjoy sorting, i'm a bit of a tidy freak to be honest...

  2. I do love a good sort out! I have a thing about clutter and am a bit ocd so everything has to be in its place or invisible!

    1. exactly, I hate clutter, I don't mind lived in but just put it away after !

  3. I think you always feel better after a good sort out. Those storage boxes are good as you can see what's inside them, I store my yarn in boxes which you can't see through so I end up having to pull them all out when I go in search of something.

    1. They are a good reminder of what I have in their, my next job is to try and list my stash on Ravelry and marry up some patterns....


Cruising the Norwegian Fjords.

To celebrate reaching 60 I decided to tick off one of the bucket list holidays. I am very grateful I have a good job which pays well enough ...