Monday, December 20, 2021

The C word, and its not Christmas....

 Blooming covid.......

No 2 son had to go into Uni last Monday, he got 'pinged' by the covid app on Saturday night saying that when in uni he had been a contact with someone who is now confirmed Covid... PCR test done, awaiting results but his lateral flow test today was positive !!!!!


Can't blooming believe it, am hoping it's a  fluke and his PCR comes back negative as we have our Cornish friend  due to arrive on Thursday for Christmas, she had to spend last Christmas alone and I will be so gutted if she cant come.  

I'm also feeling under the weather today, my lateral flow test was negative so hoping its just coincidental. I am double vaccinated and have had my booster so remaining positive.

no 2 son is now isolating in his room until PCR result is back.


  1. I hope you and your son don't have the dreaded virus and that you feel better soon. I can see a lot of people having their Christmas festivities ruined, my fingers are crossed for you that yours can go ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, unfortunately it was positive.

  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry to read this. I hope your results come back quickly. X

    1. they were pretty quick but not the ones I wanted...

  3. I hope that by now you have received a negative on your son's PCR test and that you are also not sickening for something. ??? It's rotten how this damned pandemic is playing havoc with our lives, isn't it? I hope your Cornish friend is still able to come and visit at Christmas; if not, she won't be the only Cornish lady spending Christmas alone! I'm isolating in order to avoid infections before my up-coming eye surgery in January, so have had to turn down my invitation to youngest son and D-i-L's home for Christmas day. :( Really missing seeing my grandchildren. However, I shall make the most of it with good food, red wine and Christmas pudding (which no-one else in the family likes - I've got 3 !!!

    1. I am sorry to hear you will also be alone, but its better to be safe than sorry, especially if you have upcoming surgery. We have all the food in already so I will join you in red wine and Christmas pudding !

  4. Cheers! Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Cruising the Norwegian Fjords.

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