Saturday, December 10, 2022

Frosty mornings and dog walks.

 A whole weekend at home with only 1 plan, which is going to a friends tonight for dinner. Its so nice to just faff about doing bits and bobs. Don't get me wrong I love adventuring but at this time of year I just want to hibernate indoors.

I woke up this morning to a lovely sunrise and cold frosty air

Whilst the rest of the house slept in I sat with a cuppa, my knitting and watched a few vlogs on YouTube. It was the perfect start to the day. 

By midday Rosie dog was up and playful so it was walkies time.  We wrapped up warm and set off across the fields. The sky was blue and when in the sun it was actually quite warm .

By the time we were heading home the grey clouds had started to gather, I was secretly hoping for snow but all we had was a rain shower which left a rainbow

By the time we were back up onto the roadside the rain shower had gone and the clouds were starting to pass. Crossing the railway bridge shade side there was still frost to be seen and you could feel the temperature drop once out of the sun

Back home for a warm cuppa and fluffy slippers. I really love walking on days like this there's just something nice about wrapping up and feeling the cold air about. 

The rest of the day is being spent organising my little office as its been turned into a gathering spot for all types of Christmas things and knitty things, its looking rather  messy and I hate working in mess.  I also love a bit of a sort out !


  1. It's so frosty here too, though we've managed to dodge the snow which some of the country has had. I'm afraid I'm not a fan of the cold weather, I'll be glad when Spring arrives.

    1. I quite like winter and love snow. I'm quiet sad we haven't had any yet.


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