Saturday, September 26, 2015

Just a quiet one.

This weekend is just a quiet one, after our scare we are not planning anything much.Hubs has had a quiet few days, a few little ' heart jiggles' but other than that hes doing ok, off to see the nurse on Monday.

This morning we popped over to Waitrose to use a voucher we had, don't normally shop in posh shops, but hey, the sun was shining!

Managed to grab some  'diet' bits that ALDI doesn't stock and stocked up on beans and pulses, had a bit of a shock at the price of lamb, planning on a lamb and apricot tagine for dinner, [SW recipe ]
Managed to get a cheap bag of lamb ' bits', bought some electronic weigh scales to help with shrinkage, head is currently in the right mindset to lose some weight this week! and just general food stocks.
I was very restrained, I could have spent a fortune.

shopped out we decided to make the most of being boy free and headed to the marina to grab a coffee

you'll note there are no cakes, biscuits or other treats there!

The weather was gorgeous, cant believe its the end of September.

Home and hubs did a bit of a garden clear, no 2 son headed out to archery and I just crocheted!

Last night I managed to finish my Coast Ripple blanket

I absolutely love it, just a few more ends to weave in and its done. No 1 son had a bit of a green eye moment, as no 2 son has a blanket for camping and now we have 1 he wants 1, not that he comes camping mind you!
So what else was there to do but hook on another! not that I haven't got any other projects on the go.

This is another ripple, stash busting in shades of blue and green, have lots of parchment to it will be parchment based with colour ripples.. It might get finished by next winter if hes lucky!

Tonight of course is Rugby so no 1 and hubs are going out to watch it, no 2 and I will be home alone, might watch a film?
Then tomorrow? who knows, the sun is meant to be shining again so the hound might get a special walk.

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Hello May.

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