Saturday, June 17, 2017

Up and down.

Its been one of those weeks, had a major wobble at the beginning of the week, all sorts of stuff just grouped up on me and that was it, I went off off on one.I don't mean the whole explosion type going off on one, more the internal combustion type. The sort you dwell on and ponder over, that grows out of all proportion.The more you think the worse it gets. I have to say I was feeling decidedly sorry for myself. It happens and there is generally a catalyst for it, I'm getting better at recognising the triggers now. Come the weekend I am more my normal self.

I realised this week that I have the audible app on my phone and that I can plug it into the stereo in my car, say what ! why had I not realised this before, my 45 minute commute to work is now spent in a relaxed state listening to a good book ! I had completely forgotten I had signed up to audible a year or so back and still have books I have not read, result ! I actually don't mind being stuck in traffic jams!

Which brings me onto reading real books, the eye sight is getting worse and the glasses were needing replacing, I bought a cheap pair for reading/ knitting but reading off the computer screen at work was a real problem, I have been having headaches on and off, and I am pretty sure that it was down to straining my eyes at work. Low and behold spec savers sent me a free eye test voucher, must have been a sign, so I booked up and went in this morning, new glasses are indeed needed and as they have a 2 for 1 offer I bought a second pair of what they call occupational lens, supposedly perfect for working on the computer, good for close distance and arms length distance, cant wear them for driving though, So I have a pair of daily use varifocals and a work pair, lets hope it sorts the headaches. I did go slightly over budget but as I have to wear them daily they need to be nice, 

pics from spec savers

They may just be Cath Kidtson glasses, red for work, blue for daily wear, love them.

It must have been my day as I walked straight into the first shoe shop and found the sandals I have been looking for.I didn't have an exact style in mind, just that they had to be black and comfortable to walk in, dual purpose, work / play and go with jeans as well as dresses !! It was actually a pair of sparkly pink sandals that caught my eye, totally impractical but they lead me to these beauties

Fly London. I have a pair of their boots and whilst they may be a tad expensive they do last for yonks as well as being comfy. Now I have sandals I need to paint the toenails!. I might have also snuck into the joules sale and M&S and just might have got my eyebrows threaded, I am thinking I needed a little bit of TLC and self love.Even the sun is shining !

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