Saturday, September 9, 2017

Weekly round up.

Just a normal week at work for me. Hubs was away for 2 nights which was weird but strangely got me organised !. No 2 son is still home, I think hes pretty bored now and ready to go back to college. 

The working week has been good, had great news that our office base will be moving ,  back into the city centre, which means I can get back to catching the bus in / out when I am in the office all day, a lot of my colleagues are not happy their journeys are going to increase. But for me , YIPEEE, really looking forward to being back in the city centre. I had to go into the children's hospital yesterday for a meeting  and realised how much I miss the vibe of the city centre.

Workwise, I have been out and about which is great as it makes the week go so much quicker, it also means I get to spend time driving through rural areas that I have not seen before, would rather be walking but it sure beats sitting at my desk. I even got to drive up over the mendip hills this week, which given my teeny car was a bit hairy at times.

No 2 son had his birthday this week and to celebrate we went to a small local theatre to see a Wurzels comedy musical !

Redgrave theatre.

It was blooming fab, we all loved it. [ but we are all west country folk !] Andy Ford who played Adge, was excellent, very tempted to go and see his stand up show. Just in case you are wondering no 2 son likes The Wurzels !

Crafting has been knit & spin based, but not much has occurred, I have been really knackered this week. Not sure why but had a sneaky thought it was because I was eating a 'crap food'  based diet again. Old habits die hard ! I feel really fat and bloated again. Never learn.  But during one of my couch potato evenings on the sofa, when even knitting was too much like hard work , up popped a diet based TV programme. ITV's, 'save money lose weight',

Well, I got sucked in. The winner of this weeks programme was 'Exante'. A meal replacement based diet. You know the sort, milk shakes and a very low calorie intake. In my years of dieting, which have been many, I have tried slimfast and the cambridge, which had some loss but I never stuck to it, on the cambridge I also had really bad head aches. But, as I said I got pulled in. I went and ordered a weeks worth of shakes. I have no idea  if I will stick to it, I am taking it day by day. My mind says take the food out of the equation, get your mind set on weight loss and start re learning how to eat healthy. It sounds like a good plan. I think. The main reason I jumped on this particular band wagon was this number  17.6..... yep, almost 17 and a half stone ! what the F*. shame on me, no wonder I feel so shite all the time !

So yesterday was day 1 and my breakfast looked like this

I did feel like a bit of a prat in the staff kitchen at work mixing this up, but needs must. They are very thick and sweet so have doubled the amount of water to make them more palatable, I also don't think I could last 7 days on a sweet milkshake diet so have ordered some of their soups and bars to mix it up a bit. I did manage to stick to it yesterday, which totally amazed me given I still have to cook food! So now I am on day 2, have just had ' breakfast' and am desperately hoping the soups will arrive today so I can have something savoury when everyone else eats later, [ after I have cooked it, hubs is working all weekend]

Here's to a good weekend of will power, its easier to stick to at work!

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