Wednesday, March 1, 2023

WIP Wednesday.

 I caved. I bought wool for a new project.  I could probably have found something in my lovely stash of woolly treasures but I had a vision. I couldn't help it. I did pair it with some stashed mohair/silk fluff so, in theory, I am still working my way through the stash!

Sandnes Garn recycled tweed. In a lovely soft grey. Paired with the cream mohair/ silk mix its glorious.

I've thought about my knitting plans this year and identified gaps in my woolly wardrobe that Id like to fill and this is for one of them. I really wanted a sleeveless pullover. Something for when its chilly but you don't want a full on sweater.

I found this pattern, Vest no 1 from My favourite things.

pic from their Ravelry page

As soon as the yarn came it got cast on

Its looking good so far, knitted top down, this is the back piece. It's knitting up a dream. I think I am going to love knitting this and wearing it.


  1. Looks very nice, ideal if you get too warm you can slip it off quite easily.

    1. My thoughts exactly, trying to be more mindful with my knit projects.


Cruising the Norwegian Fjords.

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