Sunday, February 8, 2015


Friday night saw me home alone, hubs had departed to stay the night with his brother, no 2 son had left for a weekend at Centre Parcs with his friend and no 1 son went out with his mates!

It was a well needed breathing space, but I do miss my family when they are not here.
Nothing much happened I drank latte's and watched trash TV, I skipped the gym and basically did absolutely nothing! Just what I needed.

Saturday was up and out, food shop then home to laundry and housework.
I spent the day clock watching waiting for hubby to return I'm really not good on my own.Even the hound was sat in the window waiting.I am a family girl.

Hubs returned early afternoon and normal service was resumed. I also had a treat.My lovely SiL sent some books back with hubby, I love when she sends me books as usually they are not the sort of thing that I would buy. This time I was not disappointed

As hubs settled to watch the rugby I couldn't resist starting one. I was immediately drawn to 'Still Alice' I have to say I couldn't put it down. Its not a cheerful read, in fact at times I had to put it down to ground myself, it totally absorbed me. In my daily work life I meet many adults with Dementia and this book really touched my heart. I will admit it bought tears to my eyes on occasion. 

This morning I had to resist picking it up again, I knew I wouldn't come out till it was finished.

As the sky was a beautiful clear blue we headed down to 'The Beach' 
The hound was itching to go.

 We headed out, its only a 20 minute drive, but half way there the mist was getting heavier. By the time we got to the beach it was quite eerie. I had bought my camera to play with but to be honest there wasn't much to photograph! We decided not to go down onto the beach but to walk the path under the bridge.
Still, never one to be beaten I decided to focus on the weather. I took a few snaps and then thought I'd play with the settings when we got home. Stupidly I forget to record what settings I used!

It was bitterly cold again, and a real pea souper, but a good bracing walk. 

Home to a hot coffee and a bacon & egg butty, followed by finishing the book!

Its not a fast paced book, there is no twist in the tale, its the story of a woman and her journey with Alzheimer's I thoroughly enjoyed it, its a very though provoking book and it made me really look into my self and count my blessings.

Tonight I shall be starting the next book, crafting has been pushed aside, the reading head is on, the log fire is lit, the beef is roasting in the oven and no 2 son will be home later. I have missed my boy. 

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