Sunday, April 26, 2015

Busy but mindful.

This has been a really busy week,work-wise,it falls like that sometimes,early 7am starts and working till 6 just to get it done, but I managed to leave on Friday all caught up, next week should be a slower pace.

The joy of early starts is the peace, everyone still sleeping and quiet traffic free roads into the city centre. I quite like it. I also get to enjoy my morning cuppa enjoying the day start to unfurl itself, the lovely weather this week has been bliss

spending time in the garden drinking the first cuppa of the day, admiring the garden starting to fall into shape for the summer, the boys have been hard at work.

Bit of a rush Tuesday evening to fetch no 1 son from his work experience day at the zoo farm, but I got to take in the glorious view as I drove up through the country side, and whilst waiting for him in the car park could watch the busy little dove cote set against the blue sky

I just love those colours.

I have admired my poinsettia that sits on the kitchen windowsill, still in flower from Christmas, as the morning sun hits it.

we have spent time loving our hound

despite the all clear from the vets, it is obvious that something is not quite right, the last day or so hes been whining and seems to have been having trouble with his neck and legs, I hope its just the after effects of whats happened this week and not a side effect of the lumbar puncture, time will tell. 

Thursday was weigh day, another 2lb loss, that makes 9.5lbs in total..not bad after a full night out last Saturday, hoping for a small loss this coming week as I did totally blow it at the restaurant on Friday night.

Then the week finished with my lovely no 1 son turning 17 on Friday, he chose to spend the evening with us as a family, having been at college in the day. We headed down to the harbour side again, his choice of venue  ZaZa Bazaar, an all you can eat buffet style restaurant for a set price, the choice was amazing. 

we parked up and admired the food village being erected ready for the food festival
something to look forward to

Having suitably stuffed our selves we were home early and spent the rest of the evening together, it was a lovely night, no 1 son said it had been his best birthday yet. But he says that every year.

A lovely week , consciously looking for the beauty around me despite being rushed off my feet, simple pleasures.

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