Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Small steps.

This week I have made an effort to walk the hound with no 1 son
just a short evening walk, mad hound goes out for a bigger run with hubs!
but enough time to enjoy some fresh air and quality time with son.

we are luckily that we back onto this , open space alongside the river, 
its beautiful as the sun sets, just not a long enough walk.
The draw back with my teeny car is that I cant fit hound in comfortably, so it limits where we can go, hey ho, I'll just have to get used to driving barry boingo!

Today was another work day, its still full on manic, and I am due to go on leave for 2 1/2 weeks as of this Friday. I am panicking, I cant see how I can get my work load completed and it cant wait till I get back.

But I made the decision to work from home today, 
So I set up my home office

and bedded down for the day, 8am - 6pm full on report writing ! I managed to get 4 out of the 8 done
 not bad going and far more than I would have done if i had been in the office, its quite a nice perk that we can do this sometimes, addedd bonus was that the sun was shining and i managed to get 4 loads of laundry washed and dried at the same time, which means less housework at the weekend!

The only problem is that I have to go out of the city for work tomorrow and will get another 2 reports from that, which means that on Friday I will 6 reports to write in 1 day, not possible..I have to go to the office on Friday so need to work out quite how I am going to manage that. I might be able to squeeze 2 in tomorrow, 1either side of my visit tomorrow, fingers crossed. I could have carried on typing, but then I would have no me time to make me smile, no 2 went with no 1 to do dog walking, i cooked tea then shut down the laptop.

Tonight I shall be working some more rows on my seaside ripple

so loving this blanket, hoping it will be done before our next camping trip, and watching the great british bake off! which is just about to start!
toodle pip. 

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