Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year !

I'm not making resolutions as generally, based on past experience, I don't achieve them, and I'm not going to be fooled into signing up to diet clubs or gyms, though I have reactivated my swim membership, but that's because I really enjoy early morning swimming.

 This week is the start of my reduced working week, [down to 4 days] and as my leisure time increases I  want to spend more time being active, being outdoors and exploring my own city. That's really my only goal for this year,  

 To my little group of readers I wish you a happy and healthy year ahead.

 Here's to 2023 and all that it may bring.


  1. Happy New Year to you, too Anjie. May 2023 be an improvement on last year - Health, Peace, even a little Prosperity - but mainly an ability to cope with whatever is thrown at us.
    No resolutions for me, either - same reasons as you state.
    I am certain your 'little group of readers' is much bigger than you think - please can you add a 'Follower button' to your blog?

    1. Thank you, I have a out follow button up on the left side, thanks for stopping by

    2. You have an 'Unfollow' button on the right, but not a 'Follow' button.

    3. Well that confused me! I thinkbit dhows as unfollow for you as you are a follower! I had to follow my self to work it. Hopefully it shows as follow for those that are not followers.


Hello May.

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