Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Down to a 4 day week!

It seems to me that this fitness lark comes at a price. 3 evenings out of my week has basically cut me down to a 4 day week. 

Don't get me wrong , so far I am loving it and can feel a difference to my body. I don't possess weighing scales so will have to wait till month end to see what the difference is. I am not anticipating a big loss as haven't been dieting.But there definitely seems to feel a difference and my clothes are fitting better.

The problem is that evenings are when I get stuff done, so as I am out Monday and Tuesday evenings nothing gets done until Wednesday, Friday nights don't count as I rarely do any housework then as it all gets done the next day.Its not just the housework that is suffering, blogging and crafting are also taking a hit. 

I may have to look at rejigging the sessions about, but its a great bunch of people, so I will ponder that one. The longer days are slowly arriving so that may do the trick, less inclined to sofa surf after the gym! I also need to look at how I am planning my work week, trouble is my job is not predictable and I could get asked to go anywhere during working hours. At least I am not stuck at a desk all day !

I have been good though and not set myself unrealistic goals, am trying to be more of a go with the flow girl, I'm fitting in the boys activities alongside having a social life, other than the gym, so things are definitely on the up.

Trouble is I do like to have me time, I can be reclusive, I enjoy my own company, so needs must and this needs to be fitted in when the boys are out at Rugby, this Friday night for example it will be just me and the hound, and a roaring log fire hopefully, there is a book with my name on just waiting to be read.

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