Saturday, December 5, 2020


I blooming love Grayson Perry. I've been to a few of his exhibitions and love his ceramics and textiles. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I find him really inspiring.

During the first lockdown his art club programme was a real pick me up, art by everyday people all having the same experience. I found the peoples story's interesting and their differing styles of art inspiring. 

Last night, after a rather sad jaunt into town for date night,  no Christmas cheer to be found, although I did manage to get the last few presents on my list, we came home to watch the follow up programme.  So sad that with all the work that went into setting up the exhibition of work from the series, another  lockdown came into play. I'm hoping that at some point I will be able to travel up to see it.

Recently I have felt very uninspired, no crafting mojo to be found. The programme last night got me thinking and asking why? Other than I currently live a very boring hermit life. What I realised was that I have lost my creative space. For those of you who may have read my old blog you may remember my Pink den. A little space all for me to escape the male hormones, 1 hubby, 2 adult sons, that surround me daily. It was my little peace of heaven. 

Covid bought home working, and due to the nature of my job, sitting at my dining table with everyone milling around wasn't really appropriate. Therefore my little pink den, AKA the box bedroom was reassigned to become a working office. Everything was streamlined and packed into boxes. In cam a desk and cabinet's and work took over. About 4 months in I was going stir crazy so the room was repainted in calming colours with a coastal theme. Really great atmosphere for working but not so for my creativity apparently. Sadly the home working seems like it will be in place for a few more months to come so I'm not quite sure  how to create a creative space for me. 

So in need of something to do, and mindful of a friends subtle request for some handknit socks, I went  stash diving. I knew it had to be colourful, both friend and I need colour in our lives right now, and low and behold I found a rainbow....

These are going to make a fab pair of stripy rainbow socks and will be a joy to knit. 
Lets hope this colour burst inspires me.


  1. Now we're talking, that's my kind of yarn. lol
    Thanks for the comment on the colours in the kitchen.
    I know what you mean about crafting, I often lose my mojo and it's so silly because I know that when I'm making something I feel so much better.
    Can't wait to see the progress of these socks, just fab.

    1. Thanks Briony,I needed a colourburst and your kitchen inspired me !

  2. Olá, tudo bem?
    Que legal seu blog, gostei de conhecer. Adoro fazer tricô também. Fiz muitas meias para meu neto neste inverno.
    Tenha um ótimo sábado.

    1. Thankyou Anaja, i love knitting socks, a quick satisfying project.


Cruising the Norwegian Fjords.

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